The Light of Life

“The light shone in the darkness and the darkness could not comprehend it”

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” – John 8:12

We follow a Christ who is the Light of Life and the life that He gave us has become our light! (John 1:4). And through Him, we are also made the light of the world. (Mathew 5:14).

So when we are in the Light, and when we are the light of the world, no darkness can overwhelm or comprehend us. If it does, we are not in the Light of Life.

Many times we tend to be influenced and overwhelmed by the schemes of the world, which makes us forget that the Life of the Father is with us and is dwelling within us. When the Light of Life shines, there is no place for darkness. When Christ is in us, sin cannot administer in us and we should not let it.

Do you have this Light within you? Are you shining bright so the world can see Christ through You? Is there any darkness within you that is overwhelming your light? Let us like John, bear witness of that true Light. (John 1:8-9)

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