“Be watchful, endure afflictions, evangelize and fulfill your ministries.”
“But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” - 2 Timothy 4:5
The Lord’s coming is at hand. We know that it can happen at any moment, although we do not know when. Paul exhorts Timothy in being diligent with regards to 4 responsibilities that we too ought to undertake:
Be Watchful: We are to be watchful of our walk, our talk, the places we go, our routines, our faith, spirituality etc, and try to imitate Christ in everything we do. We have to keep our hearts and minds guarded from ‘fables’ that lead us away from the truth.
Endure afflictions: Christians have always faced the wrath of the world for being unique and set apart from it. We have to faithfully endure the afflictions and persecutions that comes our way just as Christ endured.
Evangelism: We are called to do the work of an evangelist. Christ has entrusted us with the duty to preach and teach the gospel to the world. Many times though, we fail to find the time to fulfill that duty in between our busy schedules. Let us ensure to spread the good news of our Christ and His love to the people of this world.
Fulfill Ministries: Each of us have been entrusted with different ministries and responsibilities for the enhancement of Christ’s body, it’s edification and following His commandments wholeheartedly. We are to be faithful in fulfilling these ministries so as to be referred to as faithful servants by God on that day of judgment.