Is Satan more responsible than you?

“We are responsible for the souls that are perishing.”

There's this verse,

Jeremiah 27:15 - "I will banish you and you will perish, both you and the prophets who prophesy to you"

that talks about the false prophets during Jeremiah's time who tried to deceive the people of God. To them, God says that he'll punish them along with the ones that heed to them.

It's obvious that those false prophets and even the false preachers of today are clearly aware that they're going to be punished and are headed to eternal hell-fire for what they're doing. But one of the reasons why they still pursue it is because they seek to attain more people to join them in suffering that punishment. That's exactly what Satan is doing as well. He is well aware of his destiny but still works hard on taking more souls with him.

Now, how about we mirror back the whole scenario and look into our own selves, being the children of God, and being definitely sure of our destiny, what if we were more responsible than Satan and tried effortlessly to take more souls with us to heaven?

Justin John

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