Why worry about tomorrow?

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” - Mathew 6:34

We all tend to worry a lot about our futures, living our lives hoping for a better tomorrow, trying to seek for the best course of action to take in order to reach a state of stability.

“Worrying about our future can only give rise to disappointments and anxiety.”

The Bible encourages us to be wise in taking decisions and there is no trouble in thinking about tomorrow. But it clearly commands us not to worry about the future. Worrying and getting tied up thinking about the future can only lead to discouragements and disappointments due to uncertainties, which also gives rise to unwanted anxiety.

We have to remember that God always provides. Though we are not certain of our future, He is! He knows what is best for us and leads us in His way to fulfill His Grand Plan through us. If you still have a doubt, why don’t you look back and see the ways God has carried you through, even in situations where you thought you could not make it!

The Bible does encourage us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will fall into place (vs. 33). So if you are worried about your tomorrow, look unto the Lord who establishes our future according to His will, and live for today, a day that He has made - rejoice and be glad in it!

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