What reputation precedes us?

“Let our good works be Christ-centered”

“Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later. Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden.” - 1 Timothy 5:24-25

We deal with a lot of pressures and pleasures of life daily. Along with it comes the urge to fall into temptations that may lead us to sin. This is why we have a spiritual warfare that is going on daily, and we need the grace of God to stand apart from the people of the earth.

What are we particularly known for? What kind of reputation precedes us when other people think or talk about us? Are we widely known for the wrong things that we may have done or are we known for the good that we have done for someone?

Let us try and keep ourselves from sinning. A christian is to live a Christ-centered life, which means our lives are to reflect Christ in whatever we do, walk according to what He teaches us through His Word and to ensure that our reputation should be in Christ, filled with good works.

That being said, let our good works be genuinely from our hearts as service to God and His people. Let it not be focused on our personal interests.

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