If my people pray

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. - 2 Chronicles 7:14

God has promised us many things that which He will accomplish on earth and when we get to Heaven. He has always been faithful and true to His word, and we know that from our experiences. In the above verse, God gives a promise to His people through Solomon and this promise is applicable to us as well.

Yesterday we read about how we are the heirs of God not by our own good deeds, but by the grace of God. He always fulfills His promises. He keeps His word. The question is, do we do the things that God asks us to do? He says, if His people humble themselves and pray by seeking His face and by abstaining from doing evil, then God will fulfill His promises.

Let us strive to humble ourselves and pray and seek His face. It is the least we can do for the One who has done so many wonders for our sake. If we want God to hear us, we need to humble ourselves and pray. If we want God to forgive our sins, we need to seek His face. If we want God to heal our land, we need to turn ourselves from anything that is not according to the will of God.

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